Thursday, December 2, 2010


Name: Kimone Anderson
DOB: February 26, 1994
Occupation: Student
School: Cede Brae High

Anderson goes to Scarborough YMCA at least twice a week. She attends her karate classes on Saturdays and on Wednesdays after school she teaches. According to Anderson the karate classes at YMCA are divided into lower belts for younger children and higher belts for higher ranking people. Although sometimes the thought of going to teach her higher belts class on Wednesday irritates her, she admits once she gets there she has so much fun. Anderson finds the atmosphere at YMCA to be quite relaxing. To her not only does YMCA allow community members to socialize but also provide services such as daycare which is very helpful to some people.

 Anderson says it is good to see children use their time wisely playing around or doing homework instead of getting into trouble. Overall, she thinks there is so much to enjoy in Scarborough and that it is a good place to live.

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