Thursday, December 2, 2010


Doris McCarthy death on November 25 leaves her studio to the Ontario Heritage Trust, painter. She died at the age of 100 in her home. McCarthy was born in the year 1910on July 7. She retired at the age of 62. She used this time to travel, paint and write three autobiographies: A Fool in Paradise, The Good Wine and Ninety Years Wise. 

View of Danforth Road in Scarborough
She was considered a great role model to women working in arts. McCarthy studied at Ontario College of Arts in the 1920’s and was a teacher for 40 years at Central Tech Art School. She was also the first woman president of Ontario Society of Arts. University of Toronto Scarborough even named their art gallery after her as she received a BA in English in 1999 there.

Her funeral service will be held at St. Aidian Church at 70 Silver Birch, on December 2 at 10:30 am

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